Thankfully my blog doesn’t display post dates, or get much traffic. This happens to most blogs as I understand it, the owner gets bored, or isn’t really invested in a topic, and gives up. I’m not going to say “I’ve been really busy”, partly because I don’t think that’s particuarly true, and partly because I know people who are far more busy who blog far more often. At work it’s been a very busy three months, but not so busy at home.
Things I can remember happening in SEO since I last posted:
- That penalty on that large flower site that people are talking about. I’ve got no opinion on it because I haven’t done a deep dive on it. There was a fresh batch of link warnings afterwards, probably ‘shock and awe’.
- 301 redirects probably pass as much value as regular links, rather than a tiny bit less.
- SEO doesn’t move quite as fast as I remember, but I’ve seen some shit.
- Quite a few of you guys have been putting out consistantly great stuff.
I usually don’t want to write unless I feel I have something interesting to add, so I’ll try to think of things I have something to say about, or have done something cool I feel I can talk about.
Things I’ve done since blogging last:
- Moved house (big deal).
- Played video games.
- Signed up for Tough Mudder (in January, event is in June).
- Started training for Tough Mudder from zero fitness (in January).
- More learning code. The plan is to get through all the exercises in Learn Python The Hard Way, and picking up some PHP afterwards. We’ve had an excellent developer start at work who I can irritate with questions. It’s very nice having someone who can build things.
- Bought a new, old laptop. It’s a 2007 Lenovo X61 and I love it. £60 well spent (thanks ebay). I’m getting 6-8 hours battery life under windows, somehow. Someone called it a “terrorist laptop”. If anyone wants to get me a gift, get me an X61t (or better) so I can mess around with getting Windows8/Mountain Lion to play nice with each other and some touchscreen features.

Tomorrow I’m heading to Think Visibility for the first time, which I’m pretty excited about. I studied at Leeds and it was home for 4 years so it’ll be nice to have a reason to head back. This will be my 5th SEO conference, and I’d quite like to meet some of the folks I only know on twitter. I might even put a post together on it to whore some traffic!